About MHAGC & The South Carolina 988 Lifeline
Our Mission
Mental Health America of Greenville County (MHAGC) is a South Carolina-based, non-profit organization that works to positively impact mental health through advocacy, awareness, and service. MHAGC is committed to a just, humane, and healthy society in which all people are accorded respect, dignity, and the opportunity to achieve their full potential free from stigma and prejudice.
As part of our mission, MHAGC answers the SC 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline from their call center in Upstate SC. This easy‐to‐remember three‐digit dialing code is a federal law that requires states to fund locally.
The 988 Lifeline’s main purpose is to ensure that no one in SC struggles alone. We offer support, empathy, and compassion to those in need, and we empower them to seek safe and confidential care from trained mental health professionals.
988 Lifeline SC also offers direct support to the family, friends, and loved ones of those individuals in crisis. We are there to offer compassion, suicide prevention education, and information about mental health resources.
Visit the MHAGC website to learn more about the organization and our important mission.
Mental Health America & 988 History
Mental Health America (MHA) is the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the mental health of our citizens.
Founded in 1909 as a movement to reform the nation’s mental healthcare system through advocacy, education, research, and service, MHA has grown to encompass 233 affiliates across the US. Together, we work to improve the mental health of all Americans—especially the 54 million individuals with mental disorders.
MHA’s statewide affiliate, Mental Health America in South Carolina (MHASC) was chartered in 1954, and Mental Health America of Greenville County (MHAGC) was founded a year later. Since our founding, MHAGC has focused on the mental health needs of Greenville County residents through various support services. As our organization has grown, so has the scope of our services.
Today, MHAGC is a broad-based organization in Greenville County dedicated to addressing all aspects of mental health and mental illness. We have particular expertise regarding suicide prevention, intervention, and after-care in our Greenville community through our Crisis Intervention Services (CIS) program, including our Survivors of Suicide Loss support group.
In 2020, the US Congress strengthened and expanded the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by designating 988 as a new, easy-to-remember three digit dialing code. It directs those who call or text to compassionate, confidential and 24/7 support for anyone experiencing emotional or mental health-related distress. The 988 program links those in crisis to community-based providers who can offer a full range of care services, and provides an essential link in a national strategy to meet the urgent mental health needs of Americans.
Our Partners
The SC 988 Lifeline’s Upstate Call Center is operated by Mental Health America of Greenville County (MHAGC) in partnership with other organizations committed to improving the mental health of all South Carolinians. Our important work assisting youths and adults in crisis—and their loved ones—would be impossible without the support of these dedicated partners.
Be the lifeline
Is your loved one having an immediate crisis? Don’t hesitate. Call 988.
Media Inquiries
Email media@988sc.org to get in touch with an MHAGC representative.